28 June 2007


So Wednesday was pretty damn hot and humid (89% according to Google), I wasn't coping well and after yesterday's hot stint in the botanic gardens I wasn't keen on doing it all again. So we had a quiet day.

I went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things I didn't really need. And then later in the day I went to the bottle shop to get a bottle of port and a bottle of vodka. It was a tiny bottle shop but they had an overwhelming range of vodka brands and bottle sizes. So much so that it was all too much and I ended up with just a bottle of port. I'll probably go back and get a small bottle of Ketel One. (I haven't seen a single premixed spirit since I've been here. Will investigate more.)

We went back to Teddy's Bar & Grill for dinner. I got a veggie burger but it tasted like a beef burger and was really fucking foul.