They had a special two-floor exhibition called the Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era which was more interesting historically than from an artistic perspective. We had audio guides which mostly played music from the time while we watched the art. I quite enjoyed the whole psycedelic style, pretty colours and all that.
There was also a Rudolf Stingel (who doesn't seem to have a wiki article) exhibition on display which was by far my favorite. Most of his works of art were larger than life. My favorite piece is shown on this site, though it's a little hard to appreciate from that tiny image. It's a block of Styrofoam with footprints eaten away by acid (or similar). Here's a larger image of a similar piece:
There was also a room not unlike this:
There was also an exhibition called 'Profiling' which raised questions about video surveillance and classification, which was rather interesting given that I'd just spent a semester working in that field.