On the way there we stopped in at one of those self-serve salad bars which I think are now my favorite way of eating out. I just liuke being able to choose what I want and getting as little or as much as I want only paying for what I get.
I had a cherry coke with it for novelty (and then started thinking about how many failed marketing attempts Coke has had in Australia).
We went to the NY Library and had a quick look at a photo exhibition. No photos.
We walked past a lot of brand stores - Prada, Louis Vuitton, AMD, Gucci etc etc. But didn't do into any. This part of Fifth Ave was completely packed with tourists and people trying to sell things to tourists. It was very scary and we tried to get away.
And then some street performers with a very aggressive man collecting money from the audience:
I felt like taking this photo. It's the reflection of some old buildings in a new one. The new building is the Museum of Modern Art.
The most exciting stop of the day was undoubtedly the infamous fifth ave Apple Store. The well-hyped iPhone launched last night and so there were plenty on display to play with (and plenty of people wanting to play with them). The Apple Store is actually underground, and you enter via a glass cube and go down glass stairs or a circular glass elevator.
And yer the iPhone is amazing. Here's a terrible photo of me and one:
And one of the many giant promo iPhones:
They were doing iPhone workshops there. We didn't hang around for one.
We tried to find Studio 54 to buy a souvenir for a friend. But despite having the address, couldn't. Stupid Studio 54.
Then I went back to a different outlet of the same store where I bought jeans yesterday...and then bought another pair of jeans. These ones are extremely comfortable, lightweight and dark blue. Cost me $39.
There are a lot of famous 'Squares' in NY - Time Square, Washington Square, Madison Square etc. There are also some not-so-well known ones. This one really amused me. It is nothing more than a traffic island but it has it's own little name (which escapes me right now). Also, it is a triangle, not a square.
And then when I came home I found my digicam USB cable waiting for me. YAY! (Yes, they do postal delivery on a Saturday). So I guess there'll be some photo blogs to come when I get the time and motivation.