We got there in time to catch the last of Knyfe Hyts (who I dind't really pay any attention to) and grab a Whiskey and Orange Juice (wtf?...it actually tasted good).
Then Die! Die! Die! played and they were pretty good.
After them, The Fugue played. I didn't like their music so much but their front man was, well, very entertaining and full of energy.
After watching his antics for a few songs I went into the back room. He then came into the back room and flashed everyone. Gross! (Did not see...averted eyes). And then when I went back to the other room to see what antics he was up to I came across this. Yikes!
The Fugue were the last scheduled band, but then these guys came on:
A kinda of drunk cabaret-style set...just drums and vocals. Covering popular songs such as Frank Sinatra's New York, New York and 'Candy Man' from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. They were much fun. And here's some more pics, and quite a few because the drummer was very snappily dressed.
After the show Todd played Sinatra's New York, New York (a special song) from his iPod and so Suze and I danced on the bloodied floor.
After the show Lachlan asked us if we wanted to go out, and so we did...