We walked around for a while getting a a sore neck while looking at the massive, digitally animated advertising that defines the area. And we also went to:
- Toys R Us
- M&M World
- Hershey's Chocolate Store
There was lots of big lego constructions:
And I thought this was pretty awesome. Kinda looks like a candy store but each section is filled with hundereds of a certain type of lego block.
The floor was covered in lego pieces and I'd hate to be the person who's job it was to put them all back.
There was a big animated dinosaur that roared:
And a superman:
And, my fav, a man doing magic tricks (from a magic kit that was on sale):
Next stop was M&M Worlds which we found two giant animated advertisements which could be seen from several blocks away. There's something about 3 large levels dedicated to M&Ms that makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
There was tons and tons of merch...everything imaginable. And of course, lots of M&Ms.
Lots and lots of colors:
And color combinations for every occasion:
And here's some shots from floor 3 looking down to ground floor:
And finally by far the best thing about this store. A machine where you put in two quarters and a penny and then crank the handle 6-8 times and it squashes yr penny into an oval and reprints a new (M&M related-) design. I did it four times and hadn't tired of it.
Then it was over to the Hershey's store which had a v. impressive exterior:
Inside was a whole heap of chocolate that I'd not heard of before. I walked around the store about 10 times...and ended up buying a fair bit of candy. It was meant to be for gifting but I've eaten most of it.
That was about it for Time's Square. It's one of my favourite parts of Manhattan. I'm not sure why. The pretty, colorful lights probably.
I want to go back in the dark time.
Oh, and this is The Laugh Factory, where Kramer got all up in that nigger's grill. But I'm pretty sure that actually occurred at the Laugh Factory in LA.