21 May 2007

"New York's the greatest if you can get someone to pay your rent"

After a month of painful communication* with the landlord of the apartment we wanted, it has been established that we are not suitable tennants because they are looking for a minimum of two months.

So now we are back to square-one. Back to emailing the same contacts in New York. Back to posting on craigslist. And Back to searching the internet.

We're a lot more learned this time, though, and I am confident we won't have any trouble finding somewhere. We've also completely changed our mind on where we want to stay (Williamsburg/Greenpoint, rather than Lower Manhattan). I posted a 'wanted ad' on craigslist this morning and have already reaped two replies (one pointless), a much better result than last time. The listings on craigslist are also much more suited for the near-future too, so there is more luck to be had there.

* lack of email reply. strong accents. bad phone lines.