This agreement is to stipulate the conditions whereby James Brodie and Susan ***** will rent the apartment at *** N 9th Street Apt. ** for June 15-July 18, 2007, from *****.
1. Deposit check written in the amount of $500, to be paid by June 7, 2007, will secure the apartment until the last day occupied and the apartment is inspected and found to be in good condition and the keys are returned to ***** or her proxy, after which the deposit check will be refunded/torn up.
2. Cashiers check, cash, or Paypal transfer in the amount of $2200 ($67/day for a total of 33 days) will cover the time period stipulated, including utilities (except long distance phone). This will be delivered to ***** no later than Saturday, June 16, 2007, at which time James and Susan will be given keys.
3. James and Susan agree to take care of the cats Steve and Butterfly McQueen, including giving them adequate food and water and changing the litter box as per *****’s instructions, and informing ***** of any urgent health problems so she can contact the vet. James and Susan agree to allow another trustworthy person to come into the apartment to check on the cats if they are away from the apartment for longer than 48 hours.
4. James and Susan agree to not smoke in the apartment and to maintain reasonable noise levels in consideration of the other tenants in the building, especially after 10:00 PM.
5. James and Susan agree to not let any other individuals stay in the apartment during the time they are renting it.
6. James and Susan agree not to make any permanent changes to the apartment.
7. Use of the roof is limited to the wooden deck; all litter or items that could blow off the roof must be removed when the deck is not being used.
8. ***** agrees to dress any issues or problems that may arise related to the structure, heat, water, gas, or electricity in the apartments as quickly as possible after being notified.
We consent to the above agreement.
James Brodie
Susan *****