ren·e·gade (
n.- One who rejects a religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another; a deserter.
- An outlaw; a rebel.
This was definitely Suze's idea, not mine, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it. The 3rd Annual Brooklyn Renegade Craft Fair is held over two days at the McCarren Park Pool.
The Renegade Craft Fair is a unique DIY event organized by Sue Blatt + Kathleen Habbley. When this event began in 2003, there was nothing else like it. We took up crafts as a hobby after college and decided to try selling our stuff in local fairs. To our surprise, no events were catering to the burgeoning DIY craft community or even prohibited crafts all together. So we thought of organizing a fair of our own that tapped into this movement and provided a laid back, fresh venue for artists and shoppers alike.I don't really know what to expect. Hopefully something more than crocheted toilet-roll dolls.