Yesterday I decided to head to Oxford St to pick up a couple of shirts for work. Bad idea. The footpaths were teaming with people and it turned out so were Topshop, H&M and Primark. I'm not that into shopping at the best of times but when you can't take more than three steps without encountering a human obstacle I start to freak out. That and the fact that the AC wasn't coping with the crowds.
Anyway, I bought two shirts. But I think one is too small and has to be taken back.
I also had my first Pret-a-manger expereince which was surprisingly good. Yummy felafel sandwhich...but totally overpriced.
I bought 3 different types of deodourant because I can't find the one I use here. One of them is the hippie 'crystal' one...would be nice if that works.
And for the last, more exciting, bit of the day we headed to Totally Swedish. The Swedish equivalent of The Australia Shop (I've never seen this shop btw) which sells those sorts of products that make one feel slightly more at-home while abroad.
I bought a kids comic book about a bear and a rabbit who go to Paris and save the Eiffel tower which is pretty cool. And some other kids book (they're for Swedish practice btw). And some knackerbrod, kind of like Ryvita but a hundered times better.