So, I haven't blogged for a while. Missing from this URL is the last one and a half weeks of my New York holiday (the pressure of documenting everything just got too much and imploded, and I probably would've spent most of the type bitching about a) leaving NY b) being in LA) and also the last 3 months of my life. Not that it's been very exciting. My university student lifestyle in Brisbane doesn't really match up to my stint in the city that never sleeps.
I have been busy, though. Busy procrastinating my studies. And sometimes busy studying. It doesn't matter if you're busy studying or busy procrasinating, one still feels stressed and under pressure with the giant work load constantly looming above them.
It's all over (seventeen years of it!) in two weeks. Pretty sure I'm going to consume the world's entire supply of euphoria on that date.
Anyway, the main thing I wanted to document was that I just booked my BNE --> LDN flight. (It's been hard slog working myself up to doing it). Flying Qantas and British Airways and was fortunate enough to use the 'rent's Frequent Flyers/Credit Card award points that have been accumulating over the past deacade. So I just had to pay taxes. It's a pretty quick flight; just a short stop in Singapore.
13:45 : Depart Brisbane
19:30 : Arrive Singapore
22:55 : Depart Singapore
04:50 : Arrive London
No return flight. How delightful!