21 June 2007

My Digicam and Why My Blog is Dead

I brought my prehistoric (but much loved) digital camera over with me but it was not in action for due to the fact that I lost my Japanese-to-Australian power converter (it's a Japanese camera). That was until during one of my restless nights of sleeplessness I realised that the plug is the same as the American ones here. Huzzah!

So then I got all snap-happy and came home to get blog-happy with my pics only to realise I can't find the USB cable to get the photos. Skip forward to a few days and I went for a walk to the local computer shop, but alas, they don't have the specific cable I need. So one is now in the mail from eBay.

So until said cable arrives, my blog might be a little light on, atleast in graphics. Hopefully I'll still have the motivation to blog The Sopranos props sale and our trip to the American Natural History Museum when it does arrive.
