29 April 2008
And another interview
Should the phone interview be successful I'll then graduate to the industry-standard half day interview.
What this company does looks quite facinating so I'm a little bit excited.
I've started Twittering
I'll be now updating 'what I am doing' via SMS and it'll display to the right on my blog. Nifty feature. I'll try and keep it from being mundane but no promises.
If you wish you can sign up to Twitter and 'follow me' which gives you can update evertyime I update but that's a bit hardcore.
28 April 2008
London Mayor Election
The media coverage of the election race has actually been quite entertaining. The two main contenders are the incumbent (of 8 years*) ex-communist-leaning 'Red Ken' from the troubled Labor party and the Ted E. Bear impersonating Boris from the Conversative party. The two token-mentions-in-the-media contenders are the gay ex-policeman from the Liberal Democrats and the attractive, young scienctist from the Green Party.
Anyway, it seems to be neck and neck between Boris and Ken and quite frankly the thought of this guy running London scares me.
*London has only had a mayor for 8 years
26 April 2008
Simon Amstell Stand-Up
For those who aren't familiar he hosts the hilarious Never Mind The Buzzcocks show (see: YouTube) and use to co-host Pop World.
To be quite honest, his style of humour isn't suited to stand-up and it felt at times that he was really struggling on stage, though that was also part of his schtick. That said, it was still really enjoyable and great just seeing him in the flesh. Unfortunately his smashing dress sense seems to be confined to his TV appearances.
Goodbye Beautiful Big Black Coat
Being a lover of the cold it's a little bit sad for me but I can't deny that the weather is absolutely beautiful right now. Out my window it's sunny, green, flowery and the perfect temperature.
And on that note I'm off to buy an expensive suit for next week's interviews!
23 April 2008
Svenska Skolan (Swedish School)
I just came home from my third lesson. I'm really enjoying it and it's nice to get some speaking practice (hard to do on your own). It's nice to be back in a learning environment. There're are a range of courses at different levels and by year's end I'll hopefully have completed my current and the next one and then competently speak basic conversational Swedish!
Then I can go back to Sweden and feel less stupid. :)
My never-ending job serach as it stands
Imagination Technologies
Data Connection
The first looked at my resume and asked me to do an online test (which I completed this morning). I'm pretty sure I passed it, just waiting to hear back from them.
The second I did a GIANT online application for and have a 5hr interview scheduled for May 1st.
The third was applied to on my behalf by an agency just yesterday.
I would be delighted to work for any of these companies as they have pretty sweet work conditions and their operations look exciting.
P.S. I also applied to Google but don't expect to hear back from them. They don't bother contacting you in the case of a negative result, unfortunately.
update: i now have two interviews (second is for Imagination Technologies)
update2: now have to do ANOTHER online test and if successful will have a third interview. also applied to Sortex.
21 April 2008
Gig Update
01. Intro - Brennið Þið Vitar
02. Earth Intruders
03. Hunter
04. Unison
05. All Is Full Of Love
06. Hope
07. The Pleasure Is All Mine
08. Dull Flame Of Desire
09. Vertebrae By Vertebrae
10. Where Is The Line
11. Desired Constellation
12. Army Of Me
13. I Miss You
14. Triumph Of A Heart
15. Vökuró
16. Wanderlust
17. Hyperballad
18. Pluto
19. Anchor Song
20. Declare Independence
19 April 2008
Freecycle; Or My New Panasonic Hifi
The concept is simple. Electronic groups of people form according to location (through Yahoo! groups) and when someone has something to give away, they send out an email to the rest, receive a ridiculous number of replies and then select a lucky person to pick up the good. And I absolutely adore the idea. If only I knew about Brisbane's happening Freecycle group when I had my whole bedroom's contents of very useful stuff to give away before I moved to London.
I've been signed up to Freecycle for a while now but just last Wednesday night while in a nightclub in Soho (yes, I check my emails too often) someone sent out an email offering a whole heap of stuff that included a Panasonic hifi system. Since I'd been intending to buy some sort of speakers to remove the pain of listening to music over laptop speakers I gave it a shot and sent and email off (yes, while still in the nightlub).
Next morning, a happy phonecall, a trip to (and from) an adjoining suburb on the bus and I have my new toy. And I've ordered a stereo to rca cable from ebay for 2 pounds so i can hook my iPod up to it for extra happy!
Right now I'm listening to Virgin Party Classics (AM) and it's probably the best station I've heard. Thanks Freecycle!
15 April 2008
Björk @ Hammersmith Apollo, 14/04/08
Doors opened reasonably on time and we scooted in to find ourselves just left-of-centre and one-off the barrier. This was what we'd spent the last 2.5 hrs trying to achieve and it was probably worth it. I shortly after came to the realisation that the wait was not yet over and there'd be at least anohter two hours.
Just before 8 the support act (I don't know who) interrupted the fantastic music to play some avant-garde DJ-mixing stuff that, while I appreciated it, I was totally not in the mood for. After about 45mins she finished and I was left to wait in relative silence.
Then she came on wearing this:

Björk doesn't like photos being taken at her shows, thus I have only press photos to show.
The show was similar, but sufficiently different, from when I saw her at Big Day Out. As previously, she opened with Earth Intruders this time with giant fire blasts from the back which I was sure were going to burn the flammable-looking set. The heat from them was intense. The crowd were much more subdued here also. We were treated to guests Toumani Diabaté and Antony Hegarty (a really nice psuedo-surprise). It doesn't come across in the video so much but Antony has the most amazingly awkward strage presence. A weirdly captivating beast.
For me, the star of the show, second only to Björk, was the reacTable. And 3 large TVs were on stage to showcase her.
As expected the finale was Declare Independence, which was essentially all that I was present to see. It's one of my favourites, if not favourite, songs to hear live. Just fucking amazing.
01. Intro - Brennið Þið Vitar
02. Earth Intruders
03. Hunter
04. Unravel
05. Hope
06. The Pleasure Is All Mine
07. Dull Flame Of Desire
08. Jóga
09. Vertebrae By Vertebrae
10. Desired Constellation
11. Army Of Me
12. Innocence
13. Who Is It
14. Vökuró
15. Wanderlust
16. Hyperballad
17. Plutoencore
18. Anchor Song
19. Declare Independence
Jóga - http://youtube.com/watch?v=wg0FI7eWMl8
Hyperballad - http://youtube.com/watch?v=UKqkYZjm9ko
Pluto - http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZGz9gS0JCW8
(I'm seeing her again on Sunday)
14 April 2008
I'm Glad We're Late
As you can see there aren't many people here but they are consistently (and slowly) building up. Please note the blonde boy with his waiting face on on the right. That's me.
I've Been Bad, Haven't I?
Rather than trying to catch up everything chronologically I'm just going to start blogging things as I feel (haphazardly). Both from the computer (retrospectively) and from my phone (instantly). I'll start tonight from the Björk gig I'm going at Hammersmith Apollo. It's been confirmed that Tounami Diabaté will be playing with her tonight. I've also read that the London gigs are being filmed for DVD but that's probably bullshit.
Peter is adamant that he wants to get to the front so it's 3.30pm right now and we're about to head out to Hammersmith on the tube :S